The Ruach Ha’Kodesh: The Submission & The Sword

· The Ruach Ha' Kodesh 第 4 本图书 · Unknown Hebrew


The Ruach Ha’Kodesh The Submission & The Sword is book 4 of the four-part series on the Ruach Ha’Kodesh.

This book will connect the “words” of the Spirit and the Sword of the Spirit. The first chapter will give insight into the different words that describe the same thing. We will connect the passages and lead you toward a deeper understanding of the Ruach. In the second chapter, we go deeper into the scriptures, allowing them to show the truth to those seeking. Hebrews 4:12 says, “12 For the word of ELOHIM is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Discover what in you is yearning for a closer relationship with the ELOHIM.

Finally, get the answers to those “longing” questions and start walking on the right path. The four-part Ruach Ha’Kodesh series helps provide the principles needed to understand YAHUAH better while discovering the truth.

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Unknown Hebrew is a Forth Tribe tried and true Hebrew Israelite. Like many of us, I started in the halls of Christian doctrine; however, my desire to learn more about the script increased, and I was led back to where it all began — the Hebrew Israelite Nation. Since then, I have not looked back; every day, I study, write, and read the word; while asking for understanding. Some wonder why I go by the pin name; Unknown Hebrew; for me, it is a way to keep the spotlight off me and on YAHUAH, our ELOHIM. Here is what YAHUAH wants us to achieve while on Earth.

Read the scriptures to understand the ways of our ELOHIM.

Study to show yourself approved.

Take on the ways of the Order of Melchizedek.

Spread the gospel to Israelites worldwide.

Wait for our King and High Priest YAHUSHUA to return.




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