The Rules of Engagement: A Novel

· விற்பனையாளர்: Vintage
1 கருத்து

இந்த மின்புத்தகத்தைப் பற்றி

Elizabeth and Betsy had been school friends in 1950s London. Elizabeth, prudent and introspective, values social propriety. Betsy, raised by a spinster aunt, is open, trusting, and desperate for affection. After growing up and going their separate ways, the two women reconnect later in life. Elizabeth has married kind but tedious Digby, while Betsy is still searching for love and belonging. In this deeply perceptive story, Anita Brookner brilliantly charts the resilience of a friendship tested by alienation and by jealousy over a man who seems to offer the promise of escape.

மதிப்பீடுகளும் மதிப்புரைகளும்

1 கருத்து

ஆசிரியர் குறிப்பு

Anita Brookner was born in London and, apart from several years spent in Paris, has lived there ever since. She trained as an art historian and taught at the Courtauld Institute of Art until 1988. The Rules of Engagement is her twenty-second novel.

இந்த மின்புத்தகத்தை மதிப்பிடுங்கள்

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