The Safest Place

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Some dreams will cost you everything

"How cosy I made it sound. How easy. Sam and Ella both looked at me for a moment, then, their faces a mixture of apprehension and wistfulness. I smiled back at them indulgently, feeling so pleased with myself. Now, I look back and I want to grab my old self by the shoulders and shake, hard. I want to slap the smug smile off my face. I wasn't just complacent; I was blind."

Jane Berry has always dreamed of moving to the country. When she uproots her family and takes them to live in a rural paradise, at first it all seems perfect. She has the house and the space she always longed for and is determined to make a better life for herself and her children.

But when her marriage comes under pressure the dream starts to fall apart. A seemingly promising new friendship shows its dark side and Jane finds her life spiralling out of control. Then one night a line is crossed that threatens to ruin her and break apart her family forever.

Автор жөнүндө

Suzanne Bugler lives in south west London with her husband and two sons. She is the author of This Perfect World and The Child Inside. She has also written two novels for young adults: Staring Up at the Sun and Meet Me at the Boathouse.

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