The School of Scary Stories

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The school of scary stories is now in its 3rd printing. The stories come from the storytelling performances, Jim has done in Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Washington DC and Ireland. The book has been inducted into the OhioaNA Library, part of the Library of The State Of Ohio. The stories enjoyed by kids for years.

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Author : Jim Flanagan is a national award winning storyteller and author. He teaches at the James Thurber Writing Academy in Columbus, Ohio; is an Artist in the Schools for the Greater Columbus Arts Council; and is co-president of Storytellers of Central Ohio and the Ohio liaison to the National Storytellers Network. Jim has told stories throughout Ohio; Virginia; Pennsylvania; Louisiana; Washington, DC; and Ireland. In 1999, he placed second in national competition. He is well known for his ghost tales and character education stories. If you enjoyed The School of Scary Stories, you’ll also like Jim’s first book, Stories Heard Around the Lunchroom. That book was a 2004 National Parent Publication Award honors winner. Jim lives in Circleville, Ohio, with his wife Eileen and three children, Cat, Jared, and Megan. You can read more about him on his Website, Contact him at Illustrator : Dale Herron has been illustrating children’s books and similar material for years, including the award-winning Stories Heard Around the Lunch Room. A graduate of the Columbus College of Art and Design, he lives in Circleville, Ohio with his wife and son. His family is very patient with the fact that Dale can’t seem to stop making art. When he does get time away from the drawing board, Dale enjoys family and friends, with an occasional round of bad golf thrown in. He has worked with Mr. Flanagan on many successful projects, and has enjoyed bringing Jim’s stories to life.

Author : Jim Flanagan is a national award winning storyteller and author. He teaches at the James Thurber Writing Academy in Columbus, Ohio; is an Artist in the Schools for the Greater Columbus Arts Council; and is co-president of Storytellers of Central Ohio and the Ohio liaison to the National Storytellers Network. Jim has told stories throughout Ohio; Virginia; Pennsylvania; Louisiana; Washington, DC; and Ireland. In 1999, he placed second in national competition. He is well known for his ghost tales and character education stories. If you enjoyed The School of Scary Stories, you’ll also like Jim’s first book, Stories Heard Around the Lunchroom. That book was a 2004 National Parent Publication Award honors winner. Jim lives in Circleville, Ohio, with his wife Eileen and three children, Cat, Jared, and Megan. You can read more about him on his Website, Contact him at Illustrator : Dale Herron has been illustrating children’s books and similar material for years, including the award-winning Stories Heard Around the Lunch Room. A graduate of the Columbus College of Art and Design, he lives in Circleville, Ohio with his wife and son. His family is very patient with the fact that Dale can’t seem to stop making art. When he does get time away from the drawing board, Dale enjoys family and friends, with an occasional round of bad golf thrown in. He has worked with Mr. Flanagan on many successful projects, and has enjoyed bringing Jim’s stories to life.

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