The Seasons of God: How the Shifting Patterns of Your Life Reveal His Purposes for You

· Multnomah ээс худалдаалагдав
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What season of life are you in?
Each of us goes through periods of life that have a certain character—a few months or a few years, good times or difficult circumstances, times of brilliant joy or periods of dark clouds. Often we say, “It’s just the season of life I’m in.”
But did you know that just as God has purposes for the seasons of nature, he also uses seasons in your life to grow you, work with you, and talk to you?
Richard Blackaby explains in The Seasons of God how understanding the principles of the seasons can offer us hope, direction, insight, and intimacy with God himself.  It’s a thoughtful exploration of God’s patterns at work in our lives—how His will is being carried out in the best way…at the best time.

Your plans, your relationships, your career, your ministry—all have their unique God-intended moment. God’s Word expresses it this way: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”
So what’s your season of life? And what is God telling you through the season you’re in?

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Dr. RICHARD BLACKABY is a well-respected pastor, leader, popular speaker, and best-selling author. He has served as the president of Blackaby Ministries International since 2006. The son of renowned pastor and author Henry Blackaby, Richard provides biblical and personal perspectives in his books, including Experiencing God, Fresh Encounter, Hearing God’s Voice, Unlimiting God, Putting a Face on Grace, and Called to Be God’s Leader. He lives with his wife, Lisa, in Greenville, South Carolina. They are blessed with three full-grown children.

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