The Second Trip

· Hachette UK

Teave selle e-raamatu kohta

Manhattan 2012: Nat Hamlin's brilliant career as an artist came to an end the day he went insane and embarked on a murderous rampage ... his sentence: Total Personality Replacement.

Lissa loved Nat for his passion, now she loves him again - but as Paul Macy - for his warmth and kindness. Now each personality wants her help in battling the other, for with her Power, the man she chooses can kill the other. Lissa is terrified. She has to send one of her loves to his destruction. If she chooses the wrong man, the horror will never end.

Teave autori kohta

Robert Silverberg was born in 1935 and began to write while studying for his BA at Columbia University. He is one of the most prolific of all SF writers and among his many fine novels are Dying Inside, The Book of Skulls, A Time of Changes and Lord Valentine's Castle.


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