The Secret Thief (A steamy small town boss romance): Eve & Flynn

· Starting Over 2. kniha · Snow Queen Publishing
3 recenzie
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Táto e‑kniha

My tall, dark, and dangerous new boss warned me not to enter his secret room...

After I manage to get my heart shattered and my life torn to shreds, the only place I can hide and heal is an old house left to me by my uncle in a small town off the coast of Maine. The entire area is an enigma. As is the gruff, reclusive lighthouse keeper who offers me a long as I don't ask him any questions or go poking my nose where it doesn't belong.

Strange? Yes. Tempting? Unbearably.

But this stoic man and his secrets are impossible to resist.

Why is he such a loner? Can his mysterious past possibly be as messy as mine? How can two people as guarded as we are have such turbulent chemistry together?

And seriously, what is in the room he ordered me never to enter?

"Wow! This book is a rare, special gem. It's heartfelt, it's sexy, but most of all it's real." -- Vixen reads

"This is my favorite kind of fairy tale. Compelling. Emotional. A real must-read." -- Book Freak

A poetic and beautiful love story...a tale of healing, second chances, romance, heartbreak and love. -- The Reading Cafe

"This is one of the most beautiful books I've ever read. The writing is superb. The storytelling is spellbinding." -- Amanda M

Hodnotenia a recenzie

3 recenzie

O autorovi

 New York Times & USA Today bestselling author Nina Lane writes hot, sexy romances about professors, bad boys, candy makers, and protective alpha males who find themselves consumed with love for one woman alone. Originally from California, Nina holds a PhD in Art History and an MA in Library and Information Studies, which means she loves both research and organization. She also enjoys traveling and thinks St. Petersburg, Russia is a city everyone should visit at least once. Although Nina would go back to college for another degree because she's that much of a bookworm and a perpetual student, she now lives the happy life of a full-time writer.

Visit Nina at:

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