The Secret Whispers

· Hachette UK
3 arvustust

Teave selle e-raamatu kohta

Richter's wartime mission in England was dangerous, but he survived. After the war he returned to Germany to start a new life, safe from every threat except one, the cruellest of all; coincidence.

And when Richter got into trouble, there was only one man with a chance of getting him out. A man he had not seen in years and whom he never expected to see again...

Hinnangud ja arvustused

3 arvustust

Teave autori kohta

Ted Allbeury was a lieutenant-colonel in the Intelligence Corps during World War II, and later a successful executive in the fields of marketing, advertising and radio. He began his writing career in the early 1970s and became well known for his espionage novels, but also published one highly-praised general novel, THE CHOICE, and a short story collection, OTHER KINDS OF TREASON. His novels have been published in twenty-three languages, including Russian. He died on 4th December 2005.


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