The Secrets to App Success on Google Play (Second Edition)

· Google Play Books
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Read this business playbook for app and game developers to learn about the best practices and Google tools that will help you improve the quality of your app, grow a valuable audience, increase user engagement and retention, and earn more revenue on Google Play.

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Faka uhlelo lokusebenza lwe-Google Play Amabhuku lwe-Android ne-iPad/iPhone. Livunyelaniswa ngokuzenzakalela ne-akhawunti yakho liphinde likuvumele ukuthi ufunde uxhunywe ku-inthanethi noma ungaxhunyiwe noma ngabe ukuphi.
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Ungalalela ama-audiobook athengwe ku-Google Play usebenzisa isiphequluli sewebhu sekhompuyutha yakho.
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