The Seeing

· Random House
Počet strán

Táto e‑kniha

The second world war is over in the quiet town of Norton. When wild, dangerous, break-all-the-rules Natalie arrives, thirteen-year-old Lizzie is drawn irresistibly to the new girl from the wrong side of the tracks. Desperate for Natalie’s friendship and respect, Lizzie soon discovers a side of the town – and of herself – that she had never imagined.

As the girls grow closer, Natalie and her strange, eerie brother, Philip, reveal a shocking secret. For Philip has a second sight, and all around them he sees evil - ‘left-over Nazis’ lying in wait until the time is right for revenge. Natalie and Philip believe it’s up to them to root these people out of Norton.

Lizzie is swept up in what starts as a thrilling game - but the consequences of Philip’s ‘gift’ quickly spiral into disaster.

A chilling, powerful tale from Whitbread Award-winner Diana Hendry.

O autorovi

Diana Hendry was born in Wirral and grew up by the sea. She has published more than forty books for children and teenagers. She won a Whitbread Award for Harvey Angell and a Scottish Arts Council Book Award for Harvey Angell Beats Time. One of her picture books, The Very Noisy Night, was adapted into a show by Blunderbus Theatre Company. Diana has also written four poetry collections for adults and children. She regularly tutors a group of teenagers at the Arvon Foundation's centre in Moniack Mhor. She lives in Edinburgh.

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