The Seven Rings of Marriage

· B&H Publishing Group
12 шүүмж
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Studies show that roughly one out of two marriages end in divorce.

One of the reasons for this is couples today are not prepared for all—the good and bad—that may happen in marriage. Are you prepared?

Author and blogger Jackie Bledsoe outlines the seven stages, or seven rings of marriages, that will equip couples for all stages in marriage. He challenges couples to keep moving through each stage for a lasting and fulfilling marriage.

Through The Seven Rings of Marriage, readers gain a deeper appreciation of what marriage is, and get a clear picture of what may lie ahead in their marriage. Diligently go about making your marriage everything you and your spouse hoped for, and more!
The seven rings are:
  • Ring #1—Engagement RING 
  • Ring #2—Wedding RING
  • Ring #3—DiscoveRING 
  • Ring #4—PerseveRING 
  • Ring #5—RestoRING
  • Ring #6—ProspeRING 
  • Ring #7—MentoRING
Visit to learn more about The Seven Rings of Marriage, and get additional resources.

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12 шүүмж

Зохиогчийн тухай

Jackie Bledsoe is a professional blogger, author, and speaker, but first and foremost a husband and father, who encourages men to better lead and love their families through his blog, He's a contributor to All Pro Dad,, Good Men Project, and Huffington Post. His work has been featured on Yahoo!, USA Football,, and more. Jackie, who has been happily married to his wife, Stephana, since June of 2001, lives in Indianapolis, IN with their daughter and two sons.

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