The Sheriff Catches a Bride

· One Acre Press
264 шүүмж
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When county sheriff Cab Johnson gets a hunch, he's learned to trust it, and his hunch tells him Rose Bellingham is in a peck of trouble. Bad enough he's in love with her, bad enough she's already engaged to Jason Thayer. He's got to figure out what she's hiding before he loses her for good.

Rose can't stand one more person meddling in her business, even if that person is a handsome, eligible sheriff. She's been controlled for far too long. But since her fiancé's father is both her boss and landlord, she can't dump Jason until she's got somewhere to run. She's found the perfect place: a patch of forest outside town. But with Cab watching her every move, she's hard pressed to finish her hideaway so she can make her escape. Meanwhile, she's not the only one with problems. Can she find a way to help her friends, too? 

Just when Cab solves one mystery, more pop up. Where does Rose keep disappearing to? What's wrong with Mia Start? Why is Hannah Chatham lying to her fiancé? At least he's let Rose know he's interested. And if he's not mistaken, she's interested, too. 

Rose's hideaway is perfect, until her friends invade it to escape their own troubles. Can she trust them to keep its whereabouts a secret? Does she want to hide from Cab anymore? Now that Jason's out of the picture, is it safe to follow her heart? 

When two unexpected visitors arrive with secrets of their own, Chance Creek must brace for its deadliest night ever. Can Cab figure out the connections between all the mysteries fast enough? 

Or will Rose and her friends pay the ultimate price? 

Cowboys of Chance Creek:

BOOK 0: The Cowboy Inherits a Bride

BOOK 1: The Cowboy's E-Mail Order Bride

BOOK 2: The Cowboy Wins a Bride

BOOK 3: The Cowboy Imports a Bride

BOOK 4: The Cowgirl Ropes a Billionaire

BOOK 5: The Sheriff Catches a Bride

BOOK 6: The Cowboy Lassos a Bride

BOOK 7: The Cowboy Rescues a Bride

BOOK 8: The Cowboy Earns a Bride

BOOK 9: The Cowboy's Christmas Bride

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264 шүүмж

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With over one-and-a-half million books sold, NYT and USA Today bestselling author Cora Seton has created a world readers love in Chance Creek, Montana. She has thirty-five novels and novellas currently set in her fictional town, with many more in the works. Like her characters, Cora loves cowboys, military heroes, country life, gardening, jogging, binge-watching Jane Austen movies, keeping up with the latest technology and indulging in old-fashioned pursuits. She lives on beautiful Vancouver Island with her husband, children and two cats. Visit to read about new releases, contests and other cool events!

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