The Skeleton Crew: Episode 8

The Daring Adventures of Captain Lucy Smokeheart Kirja 8 · Andrea Phillips

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 Skeletons! Ghosts! Extended action sequences! Even more shocking revelations! In Episode 8 of Lucy Smokeheart, Lucy confronts a ghost, learns some hidden truths, and finally takes matters back into her own hands. 
The Daring Adventures of Captain Lucy Smokeheart is a year-long monthly pirate adventure serial. Read the ebooks to start the voyage -- then visit to solve the puzzle and start the treasure hunt!

Tietoja kirjoittajasta

Andrea Phillips is an award-winning transmedia writer, game designer and author of A Creator's Guide to Transmedia Storytelling. Her work includes The Maester's Path for HBO's Game of Thrones with Campfire Media, America 2049 with human rights nonprofit Breakthrough, and the independent commercial ARG Perplex City. Her independent work includes the Kickstarted serial pirate adventure The Daring Adventures of Captain Lucy Smokeheart and the forthcoming transmedia project Felicity.

She has cleared all of the levels of Candy Crush. All of them.

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