The Song of the Thrush

· Tales of the Latter Kingdoms 9-китеп · Dark Valentine Press
17 сын-пикир
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A slip of the lip lands her up to her elbows in hot water…and up to her heart in love.

Many call Marenna Sedren free-spirited. Some opine she’s spoiled. But none in Silverhold can say she is mean-spirited…on purpose. She truly didn’t intend to insult Lord Sedassa, the only prospective suitor who’s ever made her heart skip a beat.

It’s true that Crown Princess Lyarris’ rejection drove the duke into two years’ self-exile. But the moment his long-unshaven beard brushes Marenna’s hand, an ill-timed comparison to a thrush’s nest bursts from her wayward lips — and his sparkling blue eyes turn to ice.

On her furious father’s order, Marenna finds herself wed to the very next man to cross the threshold: a tall, handsome, itinerant worker with barely a penny to his name. Worse, Corin Blackstone’s final destination is Marric’s Rest, Lord Sedassa’s massive estate.

Desperate to avoid the duke’s notice, Marenna fumbles toward becoming a proper peasant wife, while Corin’s hungry gaze makes her wish he would give her more than sweet, sensual kisses. But there’s a secret hiding behind his warm, brown eyes. When she discovers the truth, it could restore her freedom…if that’s what her heart chooses.

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17 сын-пикир

Автор жөнүндө

A native of Southern California, USA Today bestselling author Christine Pope has been writing stories ever since she commandeered her family’s Smith-Corona typewriter back in the sixth grade. Because she's a lover of many genres, her books include paranormal romance, fantasy romance, and science fiction/space opera romance. She blames this on being easily distracted by bright, shiny objects, which could also account for the size of her shoe collection. The Land of Enchantment cast its spell on her while she was researching her Djinn Wars series, and she now makes her home in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


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