The Songbird Sisters

· HGA Publishing
6 iritzi
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A FULL-LENGTH STANDALONE, a great entry into the world of international bestseller Rachael Herron's sexy and hilarious books.

When their world-famous band The Darling Songbirds split up acrimoniously, sisters Adele, Molly and Lana went their separate ways. A decade on, Adele and Molly have finally reconciled. However Lana has remained stubbornly estranged – until now.

Lana Darling has got royalties pouring into her bank account, thanks to the song she sold to another singer, but she’s never made it as a solo artist. Is it time to give it all up?

But when she heads home to Darling Bay, she has sexy country music star Taft Hill hot on her heels. He’s not prepared to let her call it quits – especially when he desperately needs new songs for his album.

Lana and Taft have a history – and both have secrets to hide. But when events take an unexpected turn, will Lana choose her career or Taft? Or will she chose the long-awaited chance to get back in harmony with her songbird sisters?

“Rachael Herron seamlessly blends romance, friendship, and laughter.” Barbara Bretton, USA Today Bestselling Author

“Relationships are at the heart of women's fiction, and Herron could teach a master class on creating them.” Chicklit Central


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6 iritzi

Egileari buruz

Rachael Herron is the bestselling author of the novels The Ones Who Matter Most, Splinters of Light, and Pack Up the Moon (Penguin), the five-book Cypress Hollow series, and the memoir, A Life in Stitches (Chronicle). She received her MFA in writing from Mills College, Oakland. She teaches writing extension workshops at both UC Berkeley and Stanford and is a proud member of the NaNoWriMo Writer’s Board. She’s a New Zealand citizen as well as an American.

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