Written with beautiful simplicity, The Spy by James Fenimore Cooper was inspired by a real event during the American Revolution. Originally published in 1821, The Spy served as one of the first literary works to portray an American setting, instead of the traditional English practice to depict European settings. This innovation appealed to James Fenimore Cooper’s intention to eliminate the bias against Americans, and to foster a proud culture by depicting the American landscape with intricate detail. With the depiction of major revolutionary figures, the early environment of small-town America, and an examination of the revolution’s effect on culture, The Spy by James Fenimore Cooper is a complex and comprehensive narrative.
This edition of James Fenimore Cooper’s The Spy has been redesigned to accommodate the modern reader. With a striking new cover, and printed in a stylish font, The Spy is an accessible and essential read for any American patriot.
James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1857) was an American author active during the first half of the 19th century. Though his most popular work includes historical romance fiction centered around pioneer and Native American life, Cooper also wrote works of nonfiction and explored social, political and historical themes in hopes of eliminating the European prejudice against Americans and nurturing original art and culture in America.