The Spyglass Project

· Pam Crooks

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

In this 1920s historical romantic suspense, Major Michael Malone is haunted by his brother’s murder and shocking allegiance with the German enemy during the World War. He is driven to find answers and satisfy the revenge burning inside him. Eight years later, on the night his best friend is killed, evidence suggests the two murders are connected. Gianna Mangiameli’s comfortable world is shattered when she witnesses a double murder during a cosmetic store robbery. The Mafia hitman responsible blackmails her to keep her mouth shut. Desperate to protect her family against the gangster’s threats, she must keep her secret--and find answers of her own. 

Michael and Gianna are thrown into Chicago’s criminal underworld and fight a dangerous new war on America’s soil. In their need to keep each other safe, they discover romance and learn they must be prepared to pay the ultimate price--with their lives and their love. 

The Spyglass Project is the first book in the Secret Six series.

ავტორის შესახებ

Dear Reader,
After being published in fourteen historical western romances and one contemporary romantic suspense, I’m excited to take a much different turn in my career with my new historical romantic suspense series, the Secret Six. I’ve fallen in love with that delicious grittiness of the time period—Mafia, Prohibition, and of course, romance.
I'm a long-time member of Romance Writers of America and one of the founders of Petticoats and Pistols, a popular blogsite for western romance.  I'm married to my high school sweetheart, Doug, and we have four daughters.  I’m enjoying an early retirement where I can spend time with my children and grandchildren and do what I'm most passionate about: writing books.  
Last, but not least, if you enjoy cooking, hop over to my newest venture, my food blog, Swanky Kitchen, where I love making the past taste good again.

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