The Substitutionary Atonement of Jesus Christ

· Puritan Publications
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Why did Jesus Christ die on the cross? Throughout Church history one will find many different answers. The right answer is critical to salvation and entering into a right relationship with Jesus Christ. This current volume is a masterful biblical survey and polemic that illuminates the Bible’s doctrine of Christ’s atonement. It is doubted whether any other work of the same compass presents so clearly and forcibly the truth of God as to the Nature, Truth, Perfection, Matter, and Extent of the Satisfaction made by the our Savior. Turretin’s lucid arrangement of topics, compact argumentation, fairness of statement, and constant appeal to the law and the testimony, leave the careful reader little to desire. It had been said that Turretin is the best expounder of doctrine that the Reformed church has ever known, and this work on the atonement is an example of his exegetical, logical and practical insight into the work of our Lord’s life and sacrifice.

This is not a scan or facsimile, has been updated in modern English for easy reading and has an active table of contents for electronic versions. 

Egileari buruz

Francis Turretin (17 October 1623–28 September 1687; also known as François Turretini) was a Swiss-Italian Protestant theologian. Turretin is especially known as a zealous opponent of the theology of the Academy of Saumur (embodied by Moise Amyraut and called Amyraldianism), as an earnest defender of the Calvinistic orthodoxy represented by the Synod of Dort, and as one of the authors of the Helvetic Consensus, which defended the formulation of double predestination from the Synod of Dort and the verbal inspiration of the Bible. 

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