The Survivors Club: A Thriller

· Saltzailea: Bantam
52 iritzi
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“Starts fast and never stops moving. Clever, complex, and original!”—Phillip Margolin


. . . that’s what Jillian Hayes, Carol Rosen, and Meg Pesaturo call it. They won’t consider themselves victims. They are survivors. They helped lead the investigation that caught the man who changed their lives forever. Now they are the prime suspects in his murder.

Could three ordinary women have been driven to do the unthinkable? Detective Sergeant Roan Griffin knows all too well what can drive even the best people to cross the line. Has someone in the Survivors Club become a killer? And if so, can he blame her, let alone bring her to justice?

“Has it all: provocative plotting, engaging characters, and a razor-sharp emotional edge.”—Stephen White

“This club is worth the dues.”—People

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52 iritzi

Egileari buruz

Lisa Gardner is the New York Times bestselling author of thirteen novels. Her Detective D. D. Warren novels include Live to Tell, Hide, Alone, and The Neighbor, winner of the International Thriller Writers’ Award. Her FBI Profiler novels include Say Goodbye, Gone, The Killing Hour, The Next Accident, and The Third Victim. She lives with her family in New England.

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