The Syntax of Anaphora

· Oxford University Press
एक समीक्षा

इस ई-बुक के बारे में जानकारी

In this work, Ken Safir develops a comprehensive theory on the role of anaphora in syntax. First, he contends that the complementary distribution of forms that support the anaphoric readings is not accidental, contrary to most current thinking, but rather should be derived from a principle, one that he proposes in the form of an algorithm. Secondly, he maintains that dependent identity relations are always possible where they are not prohibited by a constraint. Lastly, he proposes that there are no parameters of anaphora - that all anaphora-specific principles are universal, and that the patterns of anaphora across languages arise entirely from a restricted set of lexical properties. This comprehensive consideration of anaphora redirects current thinking on the subject.

रेटिंग और समीक्षाएं

1 समीक्षा

लेखक के बारे में

Ken Safir is Professor of Linguistics at Rutgers University. He is also the author of The Syntax of (In)Dependence (2003).

इस ई-बुक को रेटिंग दें

हमें अपनी राय बताएं.

पठन जानकारी

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