The Tension of Opposites

· Carolrhoda Lab ®
5 шүүмж
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Two years ago Noelle disappeared. Two long years of no leads, no word, no body. Since the abduction, Tessa, her best friend, has lived in a state of suspended animation. She has some friends but keeps them distant. Some interests, but she won't allow herself to become passionate about them. And guys? She can't get close—she knows what it is like to lose someone she really cared for. And then one day, the telephone rings. Noelle is alive. And maybe, just maybe, Tess can start to live again too.

A haunting psychological thriller taken straight from the headlines, The Tension of Opposites is a striking debut that explores the emotional aftermath a kidnapping can have on the victim and on the people she left behind.

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5 шүүмж

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Kristina McBride has published two novels for young adults—THE TENSION OF OPPOSITES and ONE MOMENT. Kristina is a former high school English teacher and yearbook advisor, as well as an adjunct professor at Antioch University Midwest. Kristina has a thing for music, trees, purses, and chocolate. You might be surprised to learn that Kristina was almost kidnapped when she was a child. She also bookstalks people on a regular basis. Kristina lives in Ohio with her husband and two young children. Visit her online at

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