The Time of My Life: A Dirty Dancing Mountain Lake Memoir

· Bublish, Inc.
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Ready for the time of your life? Mike “The Barman” Richardson invites you to go behind-the-scenes of Mountain Lake, the Dirty Dancing resort, to experience the ongoing romance, mystique and adventure that makes visitors keep coming back for more.

Get an up close and personal tour of Mountain Lake Resort, the movie’s primary shooting location and stand-in for “Kellerman’s Mountain House.” It’s here that, years after the movie’s release, fans gather to relive the film’s allure with Dirty Dancing Weekends full of sizzling moves and retro costumes. Mike the Barman pulls back the curtain to reveal the magic of these bashes, from Mike’s secret “off-limits” tours to the entertaining anecdotes divulged by the visitors to the resort. Mix one of Mike’s signature drinks with the included recipes and feel a part of the fun of trivia night as Mike runs down answers as well as pointing out some of the film’s flubs. Everyone knows the hotel bartender holds all the secrets. This is one insider account that adds new layers to the classic romance flix, told as only a beloved bartender can.

If you were ever curious about the history of this picturesque hotel, where iconic settings such as Baby’s cabin and the “water lift” were captured or are just curious to learn how the legacy of this hit 80s film lives on, this is a memoir that will have you aching for steamy summer nights. Recapture the movie’s magic in this love letter to a lodge that offers a resort getaway experience in its pages.

Muallif haqida

Mike “The Barman” Richardson worked at Mountain Lake Lodge for roughly 15 years. When not mixing drinks, he became famous for dazzling guests with his beloved tours of the locations throughout the property that were used in the making of Dirty Dancing. It wasn’t long after he started offering these “Nickel Tours” that he became the resort’s official Dirty Dancing tour guide. Now retired and living in sunny Florida, this memoir is “The Barman’s” way of sharing his famed tour with the world.

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