The Unnaturals

· The Unnaturals Series წიგნი 1 · Jessica Meigs
19 მიმოხილვა

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

Twenty-seven agents have been murdered by the supernatural. 

Riley soon finds they want to make her number twenty-eight.

After the death of her partner in an assignment gone wrong, Riley Walker is reassigned to work for a top-secret government agency she never knew existed: The Unnaturals. There, she learns of the secret fight against creatures out of her wildest nightmares. Vampires. Demons. Werewolves. And worse. And it’s up to the agents in The Unnaturals to prevent these creatures from destroying humanity.

Tasked with investigating the murdered agents, Riley quickly runs afoul of vampires intent on adding her to the tally. And as she races the clock to track down a weapon capable of killing the strongest breed of vampire, she uncovers a web of lies and secrets from the unlikeliest of sources and hints of something much bigger going on underneath the surface.

Supernatural meets Mission: Impossible in this new series for fans of Jennifer Estep, Patricia Briggs, Ilona Andrews, Lilith Saintcrow, SM Reine, and Shannon Mayer!

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19 მიმოხილვა

ავტორის შესახებ

Jessica Meigs is the author of The Becoming, a post-apocalyptic thriller series that follows a group of people trying to survive a massive viral outbreak in the southeastern United States. After gaining notoriety for writing the series on a variety of BlackBerry smartphones, she self-published two novellas that now make up part of the first book in the series. In April 2011, she accepted a deal with Permuted Press to publish The Becoming and its sequels. The first of the series, entitled The Becoming, was released in November 2011 and was named one of Barnes & Noble’s Best Zombie Fiction Releases of the Decade by reviewer Paul Goat Allen. Five more novels and an assortment of novellas followed.

Jessica lives in semi-obscurity in Demopolis, Alabama. When she’s not writing, she works full time in EMS and as an editor, copyeditor, and proofreader.

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