The Uterine Health Companion: A Holistic Guide to Lifelong Wellness

· Predajca: Celestial Arts
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The uterus is a remarkable organ—it is our first home, contributes to women’s sexual pleasure, houses some of the strongest muscles in the body, and even helps prevent heart disease and high blood pressure. However, in the West, the uterus has generally been viewed as insignificant beyond reproduction and rarely receives our attention except when it becomes problematic or when we focus on getting pregnant or giving birth. Even though health-promoting strategies for organs like the heart and lungs have become common knowledge, preventative measures for lifelong uterine health have been largely absent from Western medical care. Consequently, one-third of all women in the United States will have a hysterectomy--the highest rate in the world.
In The Uterine Health Companion, anthropologist and holistic health expert Eve Agee reveals that women in many non-Western societies do not share our high rates of benign uterine problems or our negative attitudes about the uterus. Drawing on her research with women in the United States and abroad, Agee shows how traditional practices from other cultures can help create lasting health so that issues such as PMS, fibroids, and endometriosis do not have to be our destiny as women. Through poignant narratives as well as global insights, the book inspires us to develop new understandings about health and healing that affirm all women.
The Uterine Health Companion demonstrates why the uterus matters and how we can take care of it, from menarche to menopause—and beyond. A comprehensive holistic plan including nutrition, exercise, and visualization guides us to promote uterine wellness and enhance conventional medical therapies. Chapters dedicated to specific uterine issues illustrate how to support our health through simple daily practices and fundamental attitude shifts in our relationship to our bodies. The book also includes strategies for women who have had hysterectomies. This empowering resource offers a prescriptive, balanced approach to developing and maintaining optimal uterine health, for every woman at any stage of life.

Award-Winner, "Health: Women's Health" category, 2011 International Book Awards 

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1 recenzia

O autorovi

EVE AGEE, PhD, is a holistic healer and medical anthropologist specializing in women’s wellness. She is a certified Spiritual Life Coach and Conscious Breathing Facilitator with extensive training in holistic nutrition. Before entering private practice, she served in the Clinton Administration, taught at the University of Virginia, and conducted women’s health research in the United States and Africa.

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