The Very Tiny Baby

· Charlesbridge
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Jacob learns that adults can be scared, too, when his new sibling is born prematurely. While Jacob has his grandma and his faithful teddy bear, Bob, with him at home while his parents are at the hospital, he still feels alone. The book portrays the range of emotions older siblings often have about a new baby, including fear, anger, and resentment, along with the added challenges of the preemie’s health concerns and parents’ frequent absences.

Muallif haqida

Sylvie Kantorovitz drew upon her experiences as a sister and mother when writing The Very Tiny Baby. When she was three years old, her brother was born much too early, and many years later her own daughter started life as a very tiny preemie. Both brother and daughter are well, thank you. Sylvie is illustrator of Go to Bed, Monster! (Harcourt, 2007) and the Little Witch series (Random House), and the author/illustrator of I Love You, Mister Bear (HarperCollins, 2003). She grew up in France and now lives in Albany, New York.

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