The Voice of the Muse: Answering the Call to Write

· MDG Media International
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О овој е-књизи

Unleash the Power of Your Creative Potential...with this New, Expanded Edition of an Award-Winning Classic!

• Learn practical, fun techniques guaranteed to get your stories on paper

• Weave worlds of wonder beyond your conscious imagining

• Discover how to write naturally, eloquently and powerfully without struggle

Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, whatever your form or genre, Mark David Gerson’s The Voice of the Muse will awaken you to new skills, new stories and a renewed confidence in your innate gifts.

You’ll Never Feel the Same About Writing Again!

“The words lie within you. They hover in the shadows, longing to be noticed, yearning to be heard. Together, through this book, you and I will give them voice.”

The Ultimate Writer’s Guide from the Ultimate Writing Coach!

"A highly recommended guide from one of the most creative people around." – William C. Reichard, author of This Album Full of Angles

"Whenever I feel blocked, I open this book, read a couple of pages and feel inspired again." – Anna Blagoslavova, Moscow, Russia

"Mark David Gerson's The Voice of the Muse saved my languishing novel!" – Katie Thomas, Lynchburg, VA

"Mark David Gerson is the best friend a writer ever had!"  – Luke Yankee, author, playwright, screenwriter; Los Angeles, CA

Works well in conjunction with The Voice of the Muse Companion: Guided Meditations for Writers, a recording that includes the author's recording of ten of the guided meditations in the book. Download it today from Google Play.

О аутору

Mark David Gerson is the bestselling author of more than a dozen books. His nonfiction includes popular titles for writers, inspiring personal growth books and compelling memoirs. As a novelist he is best known for The Legend of Q’ntana fantasy series, coming soon to movie theaters. When he’s not writing, Mark David coaches an international roster of both first-time and seasoned writers to help them get their stories onto the page and into the world with ease. Visit the author's website at

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