The Walk

ยท Random House
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The latest New York Times bestseller from one of today's most inspiring writers.

What would you do if you lost everything - your job, your home, and the love of your life - all at the same time? When it happens to advertising executive Alan Christoffersen, he's tempted by his darkest thoughts. With a bottle of pills in his hand and nothing left to live for, he plans to end his misery. But then Al decides instead to take a walk - no ordinary walk, but one that would take him to the farthest point on his map: Key West, Florida.

Taking with him only the barest of essentials, and leaving behind all that he's ever known, Al heads off on a journey into the unknown. The people he encounters along the way and the lessons they share with him, will save his life - and inspire yours.

The Walk is the story of an unforgettable, life-changing journey, and an inspiring account of one man's search for hope.

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2 iritzi

Egileari buruz

Richard Paul Evans is the No.1 bestselling author of The Christmas Box and each of his 14 novels has appeared on the New York Times bestseller list. There are more than 14 million copies of his books in print worldwide. His books have been translated into more than 22 languages, and several have been international bestsellers. Evans has won numerous awards for his writing and for his charity work with disadvantaged and abused children. He lives in Salt Lake City with his wife and 5 children.

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