The Water Rat of Wanchai: An Ava Lee Novel

· An Ava Lee Novel Sách 1 · Được bán bởi Picador
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Winner of the Arthur Ellis Award for Best First Novel


In Ian Hamilton's The Water Rat of Wanchai, we meet forensic accountant and martial arts expert Ava Lee in her early days working for the mysterious businessman Uncle as they track down large sums of money that have disappeared. One of Uncle's longtime friends has requested help for his nephew, who needs to recover five million dollars from a business deal that went sideways. Ava steps in and immediately is off on a global hunt for the missing money that has her dodging shady characters.

On a journey that takes her from Seattle to Hong Kong, Bangkok, Guyana, and the British Virgin Islands, Ava encounters everything from the Thai katoey culture to corrupt government officials. In Guyana she meets her match: Captain Robbins, a godfather-like figure who controls the police, politicians, and criminals alike. In exchange for his help, Robbins decides he wants a piece of Ava's five million dollars and will do whatever it takes to get his fair share.

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Giới thiệu tác giả

Ian Hamilton has been a journalist, a diplomat, and traveled the world as a businessman. He is the author of three previous books in the Ava Lee series, The Disciple of Las Vegas, The Wild Beasts of Wuhan, and The Red Pole of Macau. He lives in Burlington, Ontario, with his wife.

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