The Water in Between: A Journey at Sea

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2 шүүмж
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A broken heart leads Kevin Patterson to the dock of a sailboat brokerage on Vancouver Island, where he stands contemplating the romance of the sea and his heartfelt desire to get away. By the end of the day, he finds himself the owner of a thirty-seven-foot ketch called Sea Mouse. Although he's never really been on the ocean before (aside from the odd ferry-ride), he feels compelled to sail to Tahiti and back, to burn away his failings in hard miles at sea.

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2 шүүмж

Зохиогчийн тухай

Kevin Patterson grew up in Selkirk, Manitoba, and put himself through medical school by enlisting in the Canadian Army. When his stint was up, he worked as a doctor in the Arctic and on the B.C. coast while studying for his MFA at UBC. He is currently a resident in internal medicine at Dalhousie University in Halifax, and is also a regular correspondent for Saturday Night magazine. The Water in Between is also being published in the U.S. (Nan A. Talese/Doubleday) and the U.K. (Viking Penguin). The Sea Mouse is moored on Salt Spring Island.

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