The Way of the Fool: How to Stop Worrying About Life and Start Living 12½ Super-Simple Steps

· MDG Media International
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Kick Stress to the Curb with Your Step-by-Step Guide to Living a Fuller, More Authentic Life!

Is stress stifling your joy?

Is anxiety wearing you down?

Have the pressures of daily life hijacked your dreams?

Let The Way of the Fool show you how easy it can be to renew your sense of purpose and reawaken your zest for life...the life you were meant to live!

“Mark David is a master…one of the great teachers!”

– Rev. Mary Omwake, Leadership Council, Association for Global New Thought

"It will transform your life!"

– Rev. Brendalyn Batchelor, Unity Santa Fe

“A must-read guidebook to living your richest, most authentic life!” 

– Joan Cerio, author of In the Key of Life: An Activational Journey to the Soul

Egileari buruz

Mark David Gerson is the bestselling author of more than a dozen books. His nonfiction includes popular books for writers, critically acclaimed self-help, personal growth and motivational titles and compelling memoirs. As a novelist and screenwriter, he is best known for The Legend of Q’ntana fantasy series, coming soon to movie theaters. A a transformational and creativity coach, Mark David helps writers and non-writers around the world to realize their dreams and live their most authentic life.  

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