The Whole World Over: A Novel

· Predajca: Anchor
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NATIONAL BESTSELLER • From the National Book Award–winning author of Three Junes comes the story of Greenie Duquette, who lavishes most of her passionate energy on her Greenwich Village bakery and her young son—until she makes an impulsive decision that will change the course of several lives around her.

Greenie's husband, Alan, seems to have fallen into a midlife depression, while Walter, her closest professional ally, is nursing a broken heart. At Walter’s restaurant, the visiting governor of New Mexico tastes Greenie’s coconut cake and decides to woo her away to be his chef. For reasons both ambitious and desperate, she accepts—heading west without her husband. 

O autorovi

JULIA GLASS is the author of the best-selling Three Junes, winner of the 2002 National Book Award for Fiction; her previous novels include, most recently, And the Dark Sacred Night and The Widower's Tale. A teacher of fiction and a recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York Foundation for the Arts, and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Glass lives with her family in Marblehead, Massachusetts.

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