The Wilde Brothers Books 1 - 3

· The Wilde Brothers · Lorhainne Eckhart
8 водгукаў
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Come and meet the Wilde Brothers of Idaho. Joe, Logan, Ben, Samuel, and Jake. You'll love the western flair and hot men and strong women in this romantic family saga.


Books 1 - 3

The One: You never know when you’ll suddenly meet the one!

The Honeymoon: Joe surprises his new wife with a honeymoon that’s anything but expected.

Friendly Fire: After a roadside bomb ends his career in the marines, Logan Wilde struggles to put his life back together, taking a job as a sheriff in a small Idaho town. He expects a quiet, peaceful life that will bore him to tears…until he walks through the door of Julia Cooper’s cafe.

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8 водгукаў

Звесткі пра аўтара

With flawed strong characters, characters you can relate to, New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Lorhainne Eckhart writes the kind of books she wants to read. She is frequently a Top 100 bestselling author in multiple genres, and her second book ever published, The Forgotten Child, is no exception. With close to 900 reviews on Amazon, translated into German and French, this book was such a hit that the long running Friessen Family series was born. Now with over sixty titles  and multiple series under her belt her big family romance series are loved by fans worldwide. A recipient of the 2013, 2015 and 2016 Readers’ Favorite Award for  Suspense and Romance, Lorhainne lives on the sunny west-coast Gulf Island of Salt Spring Island, is the mother of three, her oldest has autism and she is an advocate for never giving up on your dreams.

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