The Wounded Land: The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant Book One

· The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever 1. liburua · Hachette UK
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Thomas Covenant returns unwillingly to a Land ravaged by four thousand years of Lord Foul's pestilence. Under the evil Sunbane, the people of the Land submit to cruel sacrifices; the rulers of Revelstone are corrupt, the fields and forests laid waste; the healing Earth-power impotent.

Accompanied by a woman from his own world, Covenant begins a new quest to save the Land from the forces that have all but destroyed it.

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Stephen R. Donaldson (1947 - )
Stephen Reeder Donaldson lived in India for 13 years with his father, a medical missionary, who worked extensively with lepers; it was here that he conceived the character of Thomas Covenant. He was awarded the John W. Campbell Award as Best Writer of the Year for The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever, which, with the sequel trilogy, became instant bestsellers. He is also the author of the fantasy duology 'Mordant's Need', the SF epic quintet 'The Gap', and a number of mysteries written under the pseudonym Reed Stephens. He won the World Fantasy Award in 2000.

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