The Zend Avesta is to Zoroastrianism what the Veda is to Brahmanism: It is only by studying the relics of old and by comparing, free from sectarian bias and personal prejudice, the religious ideals of all nations, that we finally acquire the conviction that they are all streams from one and the same source.

ยท Philaletheians UK
16 แƒ›แƒ˜แƒ›แƒแƒฎแƒ˜แƒšแƒ•แƒ
แƒ’แƒ•แƒ”แƒ แƒ“แƒ˜

แƒแƒ› แƒ”แƒšแƒฌแƒ˜แƒ’แƒœแƒ˜แƒก แƒจแƒ”แƒกแƒแƒฎแƒ”แƒ‘

Zoroaster is a generic title; so is Thoth-Hermes. Prophet Isaiah lived 200 years earlier than Cyrus (from 760 to 710 BCE) while the great Persian King began his reign in 559.

The Jews were simply a Persian colony imbued with Magianism and Zoroastrianism. Zoroaster, the Sage of remote Antiquity, is transformed by Christian bigots into a โ€œslave of Daniel.โ€

The key to understanding the Avesta lies concealed at the bottom of the rightly interpreted Kabbalah. Kabbalah is the record of doctrines received by the Chaldean Magi and the initiated Jews from Zarathushtra whose teachings, on account of their profound philosophy, were meant only for the few.

Physically and intellectually, we may progress and grow in strength and sophistication, but lose daily in spirituality and wisdom. He who would penetrate the secrets of Fire, and unite with It, must first unite himself soul and body to Earth (his mother) to Humanity (his sister), and to Science (his daughter).

The ancient name of Persepolis was Ista-Char, or Throne of the Sun, the place sacred to Ista or Esta. Eventually, Ista/Esta became Vesta, to whom the Romans burnt inextinguishable fire. The fire burning in the sacred altar meant heavenly truth, and the smoke of incense waving into the faces of the worshippers imparted the knowledge thereof.

When the Kalki-Avatara appears, seated upon a white horse, our sufferings in this world will come to an end. The white horse is animating principle of the Sun; its four legs represent for the four Root-races of the world: black, russet, yellow, and white. The Chinese clothed their four orders of priests in black, red, yellow, and white; John saw these very colours in the symbolic horses of the Revelation.

The four Zoroastrian ages are the four Root-races, the progression of the human life-wave on any globe of a planetary chain. The colours of each of the four races are: gold for the Mongolian, silver for the Caucasian, brass for the Red Indian, iron for the Negro.

There are seven Ahuru-asters, or spiritual teachers of Ahura-Mazdha (an office corrupted later into Guru-asters and Zuru-asters) from Zera-Ishtar, the title of the Chaldean or Magian priests. The last one was the Zaratusht of the Desatir, the thirteenth prophet, and the seventh of that name. He flourished between 1200 and 1300 BCE.

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16 แƒ›แƒ˜แƒ›แƒแƒฎแƒ˜แƒšแƒ•แƒ

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แƒ›แƒ”แƒขแƒ˜ แƒแƒ•แƒขแƒแƒ แƒ˜แƒกแƒ’แƒแƒœ Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

แƒ›แƒกแƒ’แƒแƒ•แƒกแƒ˜ แƒ”แƒšแƒฌแƒ˜แƒ’แƒœแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜