Therapies and Rehabilitation in Down Syndrome

· Pardavėjas „John Wiley & Sons“
1 apžvalga
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Therapies and Rehabilitation in Down Syndrome covers the entire lifespan of a DS patient, from infancy to 60 years and beyond, focusing not simply on identifying problems, but providing a detailed look at major therapeutic approaches. Discussion includes future genetic therapy, questions of quality of life, hormone and other therapies for medical problems, prevention and treatment of normal and pathological aging, as well as psychomotoric rehabilitation. This is an important book not only for scientists concerned with various facets of DS, but practitioners looking for guidelines for therapies and clinical application of research findings.

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Apie autorių

Professor Rondal has studied the education of people with intellectual disability for over 40 years. He has won multiple awards for his outstanding scientific research at international conferences, and taught at several universities in Europe and North America.
He co-founded the European Down Syndrome Association and was president from 1997 to 2000; he is now President of the Scientific Committee. He is currently a member of the Directorial Board of Down Syndrome International.

Professor Rasore-Quartino is President of The European Down Syndrome Association.

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