This Book Will Blow Your Mind

· Πωλήθηκε από Nicholas Brealey
1 κριτική

Σχετικά με το ebook

You don't need a spaceship to travel to the extremes of science. You just need this book.
What's the nature of reality? Does the universe ever end? What is time and does it even exist? These are the biggest imagination-stretching, brain-staggering questions in the universe - and here are their fascinating answers.

From quantum weirdness to freaky cosmology (like white holes - which spew out matter instead of sucking it in),This Book Will Blow Your Mind takes you on an epic journey to the furthest extremes of science, to the things you never thought possible. This book will explain:

Why is part of the universe missing (and how scientists finally found it)
How time might also flow backwards
How human head transplants might be possible (in the very near future)
Whether the universe is a hologram
And why we are all zombies

Filled with counterintuitive stories and factoids you can't wait to share, as well as lots of did-you-knows and plenty of how-did-we-ever-not-knows, this new book from the bestselling New Scientist series will blow your mind - and then put it back together again.

Βαθμολογίες και αξιολογήσεις

1 αξιολόγηση

Σχετικά με τον συγγραφέα

Since the first magazine was published in 1956, New Scientist has established a world-beating reputation for exploring and uncovering the latest developments and discoveries in science and technology, placing them in context and exploring what they mean for the future. Each week through a variety of different channels, including print, online, social media and more, New Scientist reaches over four million highly engaged readers - over a million readers for the print magazine alone.

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