Thunder in the Night

· Продаје Simon and Schuster
Испуњава услове

О овој е-књизи

Aspiring investigative journalist Allison Belsar has exactly zero interest in tagging along with the society set when they visit Belize. But when the trip is sponsored by the local zoo and her editor issues the order, she packs her bags and shows up on time.

Turns out there’s more to this adventure than red-eyed tree frogs and Mayan ruins. Something criminal is going on. But what? And how does that gorgeous tour guide figure into events? He’s close at hand every time there’s danger.

Of course, he’s nearby plenty of other times, too. The moments she spends in his arms are as magical as the moonlight on a tropical night. Allison is in danger of losing her heart to this man, and her life to a deadly ring of criminals who will do anything to keep their secrets hidden deep in the jungle. This could be the story to make her career—if she lives to tell it.

Sensuality Level: Behind closed doors

Kate Fellowes’s working life has revolved around words—editor of the student newspaper, reporter for the local press, cataloger in her hometown library. She’s the author of four previous novels and numerous short stories and essays. Married, she and her husband share their home with a variety of companion animals.

О аутору

Kate Fellowes's working life has revolved around words-editor of the student newspaper, reporter for the local press, cataloger in her hometown library. She's the author of four previous novels and numerous short stories and essays. Married, she and her husband share their home with a variety of companion animals.

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