Till Death Do Us Part

· გამყიდველი: Laurel Leaf
29 მიმოხილვა

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

Nothing in April Lancaster's future seems certain as she battles a brain tumor that doctors say is inoperable.  The hospital is the last place she would expect to find love -  until she meets Mark Gianni.  

Mark is handsome and charming, and he also has terminal Cystic Fibrosis. Despite initial reservations, the two quickly fall in love and plan to spend the rest of their lives together...no matter how long that may be.  When a sudden accident aggravates Mark's condition,  April must make a decision that will change the course of her life forever.  

This is a heartbreaking story by  bestselling author Lurlene McDaniel that is perfect for fans of The Fault in Our Stars.

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29 მიმოხილვა

ავტორის შესახებ

LURLENE McDANIEL began writing inspirational novels about teenagers facing life-altering situations when her son was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. “I saw firsthand how chronic illness affects every aspect of a person’s life,” she has said. “I want kids to know that while people don’t get to choose what life gives to them, they do get to choose how they respond.”

Lurlene McDaniel’s novels are hard-hitting and realistic, but also leave readers with inspiration and hope. Her bestselling books have received acclaim from readers, teachers, parents, and reviewers. They include The Year of Luminous Love and its companion, The Year of Chasing Dreams; Don’t Die, My Love; Till Death Do Us Part; Hit and Run; Telling Christina Goodbye; True Love: Three Novels; and The End of Forever.

Lurlene McDaniel lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Visit her at lurlenemcdaniel.com and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

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