Time After Time: A Novel

· Sotuvchi: Bantam
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New York Times bestselling author Kay Hooper spins a tale of ageless love and the power of fate, in which dreams from the distant past imperil one woman’s search for a passion that transcends history.

They first met in a darkened loft, in the middle of a blackout, but the power of attraction supplied all the juice that Alex Bennet and Noah Thorne required. Noah was Alex’s match in every way, while the onetime lion tamer turned world-class interior designer possessed just the air of wildness that Noah preferred in a woman. Inexorably, they found themselves drawn together. So why was each haunted by dreams of the other that seemed to hint at secret lives in bygone times and places–and a relationship fated to end in separation? For Alex, the solution may lie in a Gypsy fortune-teller’s prophecy. To repeat the past is the one thing neither of them wants–but how do you overcome the pull of a destiny that is stronger than time itself?

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1 ta sharh

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Kay Hooper, who has more than thirteen million copies of her books in print worldwide, has won numerous awards and high praise for her novels. Hooper lives in North Carolina, where she is currently working on her next novel.

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