Time-Lapse Photography: Art and Techniques

· The Crowood Press
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Time-lapse photography has grabbed the attention of photographers, but few understand how to maximize its potential. This practical book introduces its rich scope and explains how it can be used as a powerful communication tool. By drawing on the ideas behind stills photography and video, it gives a full and inspirational account of this exciting technique, and shares tips and tricks from both genres. Contains clear instruction for still and video photography techniques with practical exercises to support the instruction and stunning examples of diverse creative and technical approaches. With further advice on how to build a portfolio of exciting work, this book will be invaluable for beginners and professionals alike. Superbly illustrated with 183 colour images.

Автор жөнүндө

Mark Higgins is a trainer and lecturer who focuses on photography and videography. His work has been featured online and on television, and he works as an imaging specialist with major brands and at international events.

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