Titanic: Young Survivors (10 True Tales)

· Saltzailea: Scholastic Inc.
5 iritzi
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Ten true stories of real-life survivors of the Titanic!

Eleven-year-old Billy Carter kneels down on the slanting deck of the Titanic and hugs his beloved dog -- a tan and black Airedale. Can Billy save himself and his pet? Fifteen-year-old Edith Brown and her mother climb into Lifeboat 14. Edith begs her father to join them. Why won't he? Seventeen-year-old Jack Thayer looks over the side of the sinking Titanic and stares into the frigid sea. There are no lifeboats left. He knows he has to jump, but can he? These and other young people came from many walks of life. Now, on the night of April 14, 1912, they all face a life-or-death crisis abroad the Titanic. When the unthinkable occurs, can they survive?

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5 iritzi

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Allan Zullo is the author of more than 120 nonfiction books on subjects ranging from sports and the supernatural to history and animals. He has introduced readers to the Ten True Tales series, gripping stories of extraordinary persons who have met the challenges of dangerous, sometimes life-threatening, situations. In addition, he has authored five books about the real-life experiences of young people during the Holocaust. Allan, the father of two grown daughters and grandfather of five, lives with his wife, Kathryn, near Asheville, North Carolina. To learn more about the author, visit his website at www.allanzullo.com.

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