To Catch A Fae: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance

· Winter's Thorn 1. kniha · Mila Young
29 recenzií
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Táto e‑kniha

First, I fell in love with a man I wasn’t sure existed outside of my own head.

Then he drew me into a magical realm, a place that doesn’t feel real, even though it most certainly is.

He found me there and said I belonged to him, but two other dark suitors have also staked their claim.

They say I’m in danger, that only they can save me… only they can satisfy me.

I’m different, special, the key to something important—something I don’t yet understand.

Will I survive long enough to find a way back to my world? And if I do, will I still want to return?

The captivating scorching hot first book in the brand new Winter’s Thorn series.

For lovers of paranormal romance, fae romance, enemies to lovers, filled with Alpha males, and is for reverse harem addicts. It includes a sassy heroine and three fae princes.

Winter's Thorn Series

To Catch A Fae

To Seduce A Fae

To Tame A Fae

To Claim A Fae

For all lovers of fantasy romance with strong heroines, reverse harem, fae stories, and is perfect for devourers of enemies to lovers books. Expect steam, action, and a supernatural world filled with vampires, monsters, shifters, fae... and unhinged alphas who will do anything to protect their woman.

Steamy romance, paranormal romance, fae royal kingdoms, magic, reverse harem romance, RH romance, RH paranormal romance, reverse harem paranormal romance, myth, myths, action, adventure, female protagonist, novel, hero, romance, romance ebook, vampire, monster, supernatural, fantasy, mythology.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

29 recenzií

O autorovi

Best-selling author, Mila Young tackles everything with the zeal and bravado of the fairytale heroes she grew up reading about. She slays monsters, real and imaginary, like there's no tomorrow. By day she rocks a keyboard as a marketing extraordinaire. At night she battles with her mighty pen-sword, creating fairytale retellings, and sexy ever after tales. In her spare time, she loves pretending she's a mighty warrior, walks on the beach with her dogs, cuddling up with her cats, and devouring every fantasy tale she can get her pinkies on.

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