Tori Amos: In the Studio

· ECW Press
8 ግምገማዎች

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

Part intimate profile, part detailed discography, this music compilation explores the life and work of Tori Amos, one of the most prolific alternative rock artists of the past few decades. Known for her piano-driven music and emotional, intense lyrics that delve into such topics as sexuality, religion, and personal tragedy, Amos has sold more than 12 million albums worldwide. The artistic process behind the creation of these albums is revealed through exclusive interviews with people who worked alongside her in the studioone of her producers, sound engineers, and backing band membersand included is an analysis of her choice to break away from the traditional rules of the recording industry and forge her own path and musical identity. From her days as a young piano prodigy and her first band to her many years as a solo artist and her extensive touring and recording, the in-depth research into the personal influence behind Amoss music complements the chronicle of her professional career.

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Jake Brown is the owner of Versailles Records and the author of 24 books, including Dr. Dre: In the Studio, Heart: In the Studio, Jay-Z and the Roc-A-Fella Records Dynasty, Rick Rubin: In the Studio, and Suge Knight: The Rise, Fall and Rise of Death Row Records. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee.

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