Toward Wholeness: Rudolf Steiner Education in America

· Wesleyan University Press
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For Rudolf Steiner, life can be truly understood only if it is experienced as art is experienced, as inner activities expressed through physical materials. On this ground of the union of inner experience and sensory life, he developed his unique, holistic approach to education. Richards views Steiner schools as expressing a new educational consciousness appropriate for our time, a "grammar of interconnections" among scientific observational, artistic imagination, religious reverence, and practical activity in which every part bears a deep connection.

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MARY CAROLINE RICHARDS is a potter, teacher, and poet. She received her doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley, and has been a member of the faculty at the universities of California and Chicago, Black Mountain College, and the City College of New York, She is the author of Centering: in Pottery, Poetry, and the Person and The Crossing Point Selected Talks and Writings, both published by Wesleyan.

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