Dr. Lydia Morris is a Clinical Psychologist who has extensive experience of working in mental health primary care contexts. The manual was in part written while Dr. Morris was employed by Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust. She has been affiliated with the University of Manchester for much of the duration of the manual production and is now employed by the University of Salford.Dr. Phil McEvoy is service director of a primary care team (Six Degrees Social Enterprise, Salford, Greater Manchester). Six Degrees Social Enterprise delivers socially innovative mental health services that are at the leading edge of practice. In recent years they have been finalists in the National Positive Practice in Mental Health Awards, the National Patient Experience Awards and the Health Service Journal Awards.Dr. Mansell has written over sixty interdisciplinary publications on perceptual control theory, has convened three international conferences on PCT, and hosts a website pctweb.org that has received over 35,000 views since its inception in 2009. His work on PCT has appeared on UK national television, in science museums, and online newspaper and magazine articles. He has authored and edited various books, including: Coping with Fears and Phobias (2007), A Transdiagnostic Approach to CBT using Method of Levels Therapy (2012), Principles-Based Counselling and Psychotherapy (2015), Oxford Guide to Metaphors in CBT (2010), and The Bluffer's Guide to Psychology (2006).