Transforming Barcelona: The Renewal of a European Metropolis

· Routledge
3 կարծիք
Էլ. գիրք
Կարելի է ավելացնել

Այս էլ․ գրքի մասին

This unique book, written by local experts in the city, deals with the transformation of Barcelona during the last twenty years. Barcelona has been held up as a model of urban planning and economic regeneration amongst built environment professionals. The redesign of square parks and streets throughout the city in the 1980s first attracted attention and praise and then the 1992 Olympics hosted in the city raised international awareness. The city received many awards and accolades including a Gold Medal from the RIBA. The selection of writings is well illustrated throughout with maps, drawings and photographs and will be of interest to architects, planners and urban designers as well as those interested in the social and economic impacts of regeneration.

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3 կարծիք

Գնահատեք էլ․ գիրքը

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