Triple Nine Sleuths: Dangerous Conspiracy

· Triple Nine Sleuths 第 6 本图书 · Epigram Books


Get ready for high adventure. The Triple Nine Sleuths are Singapore’s latest amazing teen detective trio, using their creativity and intelligence to solve mysteries, even when the Police are stumped! But there is one mystery that remains unsolved, a puzzle that Stacy, Corey and Colton are desperate to solve—who is Stacy’s real father? As the Triple Nine Sleuths race against time for answers, each mystery brings them closer to answering this ultimate question.

In Dangerous Conspiracy, Stacy has won a free trip for herself and her friends on a cruise ship! The Triple Nine Sleuths are looking forward to a carefree holiday after their year-end examinations but find themselves in the middle of exceedingly puzzling incidents. With an expensive necklace stolen and a man overboard, Corey, Colton and Stacy race to uncover the truth on board a ship where things are not always as they seem.


Maranna Chan is a full-time mystery writer with a background in education, having taught children of various ages, ranging from preschoolers to secondary school students. Maranna enjoys studying human behaviour and figuring out the personality types of those around her. A wife, and a mother to a young child and two hamsters, Maranna loves staying up late to watch back-to-back episodes of her favourite criminal investigation television series. That, she justifies, is for research.




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