Trust Duet

Skye Callahan
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A Club Obsidian Collection containing the first two books, Entrust and Trust Fall.


Rule number one, I expect honest answers.

He's out of my league. Hazel eyes, staggering smile, sculpted, confident posture. Guys like him make my palms sweaty and my brain go numb. So, why is it when he sits near me I suddenly find this calm confidence? It goes against everything I've ever known and threatens to leave me defenseless.

Our one-night encounter was supposed to be just that, but I can't shake him… and with every chance meeting, I'm beginning to wonder how much I want to.

Rule number two, when I say don't move, do not move.

I'm falling without a net at a terrifying speed. There is no hiding, no amount of fighting, that can change my trajectory now that he's seen the real me, behind the scars and armor.

It's strange to find the control I need resting in someone else's hands.

Submission is freedom.

Submission is redemption.

Submission is a power like I've never felt before. and I give it all to him freely.


Trust Duet is a novella/novel set that explores the BDSM lifestyle. Not intended for those uncomfortable with the subject matter or under 18 years of age.


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Skye Callahan is a bestselling Romantic Suspense author who enjoys writing fiction to explore the darker aspects of human nature and the resiliency needed to survive and overcome difficult situations. She hopes to show that even through the darkest moments and overwhelming circumstances, one can find the inner strength to adapt and eventually heal.




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