Two Nuns In A Bath

· Predajca: Robinson
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Táto e‑kniha

A brand-new, fantastic, enormous collection of 5,000 jokes, gags and one-liners - indexed and categorised to help with finding the right joke for any occasion or audience, from Bar-Mitzvahs to bar-rooms. Two Nuns in a Bath is the consummate collection, with jokes on every subject under the sun, from lawyers to low-energy light bulbs.

Two nuns are sitting in a bath.
One says "Where's the soap?""
The other replies "It does rather doesn't it?"

A guy asks a lawyer what his fee is. "I charge $50 for three questions," the lawyer says. "That's awfully steep, isn't it?" the guy asks. "Yes," the lawyer replies, "Now what's your final question?"

O autorovi

Geoff Tibballs has worked as a journalist and press officer, but is now a full-time writer and editor. He lists his hobbies as sport, eating, drinking, and avoiding housework, and lives in Nottingham with his wife and daughters. He is the author or editor of a number of bestselling books, including The Mammoth Book of Jokes, and The Mammoth Book of Dirty Jokes.

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