Typewriter in the Sky

· Galaxy Press LLC
4 сын-пикир
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It’s not easy living in someone else’s world. But that’s the story of Mike de Wolf’s life. . . literally. He awakens to find himself a fictional villain in someone else’s book, landing in the West Indies three centuries ago, pursued by pirates and a wild woman on horseback. What’s a guy to do? The answer’s written in the sky—in this wildly original, wickedly amusing novel. "An adventure story written in the great style adventures should be written in." —Clive Cussler

Баалар жана сын-пикирлер

4 сын-пикир

Автор жөнүндө

L. Ron Hubbard was born in Tilden, Nebraska on March 13, 1911. He attended George Washington University and Princeton University. He began his career as a writer for pulp magazines and later as a science fiction writer. His science fiction works include the Buckskin Brigades, Final Blackout, Fear, The Kingslayer, and Black Towers to Danger. His book, Dianetics, was published in 1950. He spent the next 30 years devoting himself to the development of Dianetics and Scientology. In 1954, he founded the Church of Scientology. In the 1980s, he published his final fiction works Battlefield Earth and the Mission Earth series, which won the Cosmos 2000 Award from French readers and the Nova Science Fiction Award from Italy's Perseo Libri. He died on January 24, 1986.

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